4 Major Ayurvedic Detox Myths Busted

Join my RAD cleanse to renew your life!

The RAD Cleanse to Renew Your Life: 4 Main Questions Answered

Today on the blog I’m answering one of the most frequently asked questions I get about The RAD Cleanse.

What Is the Benefit of Detox and Why Do We Cleanse?

We cleanse to be healthier, to have more energy, and to experience less pain – which is almost always the effect of inflammation.

We cleanse so that you can renew your life.

You cleanse to renew your spirit, strengthen your digestive fire, and reignite your radiance.

If you’re someone who lives in an urban city area, or your life is super busy, maybe you don’t time to cook your own food. Over time, if you’re having to rely on food-to-go and processed food that’s easy to grab, that takes a toll.

Maybe you know you need a change when it comes to your diet, but you don’t know where to start. Or it all feels too overwhelming.

Maybe you don’t know HOW to prepare simple, wholesome food (the food that Ayurveda recommends) that won’t take a lot of time or energy out of your life. But not knowing how stops you from taking action and feeling better.

I totally get it. I used to think I ate “healthy.” But the way I felt didn’t match that thought! I was chronically overweight, tired, depressed, and out of balance.

What I love about teaching The RAD Cleanse (which stands for Radiance Ayurveda Detox) is that it makes living a no-excuses, super easy, Ayurvedic lifestyle accessible (and at your fingertips) – one day at a time.

The art of Ayurveda is knowing how to nourish your body and live in alignment with nature (+ YOUR nature).

It’s about learning to listen to what you need and how to put your own self-care first. So that you heal your body and work (every day) towards greater balance.

Ayurvedic cooking is a big part of that, and it can be as simple as spending 10 minutes/day in the kitchen. But you’ve got to learn how. And that’s just one piece of Ayurveda! Ayurveda is a medical science and a lifestyle.

Feel amazing after completing my Ayurvedic detox program. The RAD cleanse will renew your life.

What Is a Detox and Why Do We Cleanse at Seasonal Junctions?

According to Ayurveda, there are expected changes that the body goes through at the juncture or transition of each season.

Certain qualities of the body increase, due to the impact of the weather or climate of the previous season – as well as the season you’re moving towards.

In the summertime, for example, we tend to accumulate hot, dry, inflammatory qualities – there’s more heat in the digestive system, immunity, and skin as a result. It’s a natural change – but as the seasons change from summer to fall, that internal heat can become problematic.

Especially when a lot of wind kicks up. Now the respiratory system is pulling in cold, dry air and it’s easy for allergies to come to the surface. Lung issues start to show themselves, indigestion may become an issue, and sensitivities tend to be on high.

The onset of fall is ruled by Vata (cold/dry/light/wind).

In fall, your blood turns lighter, thinner, and you’re more susceptible to cold and illness.

You need a new way of relating to the body at these seasonal shifts – ways of renewing and nourishing your body. Ways that match the needs of the season AND your unique constitution.

During seasonal shifts, the body tries to get rid of all that it no longer needs. It asks you to provide it with what it needs to THRIVE. When the external environment shifts… you need something new, more, and different.

You need to shift!

That takes learning, skill, and practice. All the things I provide my students with inside The RAD Cleanse Fall Release.

Fall is cold, light, dry, and subtle – so we need warm, wet, protective practices that buffer your immunity while keeping you hydrated and grounded.

An Ayurvedic cleanse is unique because it helps you detox the body at this sensitive time of year WHILE you deeply nourish and support all the systems of your body-mind-spirit.

The RAD Cleanse brings you in alignment with nature and helps you feel amazing!

Eating a detoxifying diet that nourishes you (in a season-appropriate manner) helps your body deal with the high amounts of Vata that are currently moving through your being and environment (by no fault of your own. It’s nature! 🙂

The RAD cleanse fall edition is here to help you to renew your life!

Food is a huge part of life. When you make a commitment to renewing your life energy through detox, you get to renew your relationship with food and eating.

It’s inevitable for things to come up and old habits to creep back in – it happens to just about everyone.

But every time you step back and commit to caring for your body – especially with a detox like The RAD Cleanse, you show yourself that you matter and you cultivate a whole new relationship with food and nourishment. It’s transformative!

Detoxing at seasonal junctions is the rare opportunity to put yourself first and make decisions because they’re right for YOU – putting your health and balance at the forefront.

This conscious approach to food, health, and healing can help you overcome peer pressure at work or in a family dynamic.

It reminds you to stop working and nourish your body. It helps you get into stellar self-care habits – where you’re not eating what everyone else is eating just because you don’t want to upset them or stand out.

An Ayurveda Detox helps you get right with YOU.


It’s About Food, But It’s Not Only About Food.

After a while, the Ayurvedic food and lifestyle practices you learn in an Ayurveda Detox become second nature. You start to feel so good that you wonder why you weren’t doing this all along! And, you see first hand how important it is to take a break, step back, and do things differently for a time.

This is what it means to renew your body-mind-spirit with detox.

Rhythmic Eating

The RAD cleanse will help you to renew your life and feel great this fall!

Here’s a great recommendation for eating with the seasons and how to become more attuned to powerful Ayurvedic practices that help you have more energy and feel your best.

  • Eat the biggest meal of your day when the sun is brightest in the sky – usually between the hours of 12 and 2pm. That’s when your digestive fire is strongest and your metabolism optimal.
  • If you love food and eating, allow yourself to have a bountiful meal that’s intelligently placed in your day. Eating it at a time of day when your digestive system is ready for it and able to break it down will serve you in so many ways.

With detox, you release ama, or excess accumulation. All that you don’t need but are carrying in your body via mucous, inflammation, dry skin, indigestion, etc.

Overeating is one of the primary ways that people tend to build accumulation or ama.

When you eat your biggest meal of the day at the right time of day, even if you do overeat… it doesn’t “ruin” your gut as much as it would if you overate later in the day when your metabolism and digestive fire aren’t as strong.


Feeling Tired When Cleansing?

It’s normal to feel tired in the beginning of a cleanse.

You catch up to your true energy and sometimes that takes a day or two to recover. You experience more awakeness, endurance, and alertness without the crutches of sugar, carbs, caffeine, and stimulants.

What’s powerful is that you get to see that you’re CAPABLE of achieving balance – even if it takes you a few days. It’s amazing to see how much better you can feel in so little time when you just put your mind (and actions) to it!

You peel back layers that – perhaps – haven’t ever been addressed before. You meet yourself in a brand new place of healing and that can be incredibly powerful and transformative.

Sometimes you’re tired because of poor food combining. When your food combining isn’t optimal, your body can’t digest as well. That’s another cause of accumulation in the body and it can cause fatigue, bloating, or gas after meals.

You need to start with baby steps. There’s nothing about The RAD Cleanse Fall Release that won’t work for you. We’re all different – and you get to tweak the cleanse I teach so that it works for YOUR body and your constitution. I help you do that through sustainable, delicious, one-day-at-a-time steps.


The Bottom Line


The bottom line is if you dream of feeling absolutely amazing—physically, emotionally, and mentally—but believe the way you feel is out of your control, The RAD Cleanse can change all that for you!

Discover my proven process to gain complete control over how your body feels so that you can feel FANTASTIC, enjoy increased energy, a healthy weight, a clear mind, and less pain!

You CAN create daily practices that change your body and your life. I’ll show you how.

Join my RAD Cleanse to renew YOUR life. We start on October 7, 2019. Click HERE to join and take $100 off your tuition!



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