Say hello to the most creamy, dreamy, top-quality ice cream. Free of dairy and made with fresh organic eggs, Dairy-Free Tahini Ice Cream...
Knowledge, resources and nutrition to help you create a strong and energized body and mind.
Warm Chai Smoothie
For mornings when you're ready for nourishment but want to keep things light, say hello to the Elevated Warm Chai Smoothie! This...
Decadent Saffron-Rose Dates
Everything about these delicious baked beauties scream self-love, nourishment, and deep-seated support. Enjoy them with a mug of tea or...
Chicken Vegetable Soup (Noodle-Free)
There are so many reasons to love this soup... Easy to digest, bone strengthening, and healthy for your heart and lungs, it’s also hearty,...
Back To Balance Rice Bowl
This simple yet satisfying meal has saved my digestive system so many times! Delicious and nourishing, it’s a cleansing balm for your gut...
Calm Your Mind Moon Milk
I’m a November baby, so I’ve always had an affinity for this flower of my birth month; a love that grew exponentially once I learned its...
Spice-Inspired Guacamole
While not your traditional guacamole, even die-hard fans of the conventional variety feel surprised by how much they love this Ayurvedic...
Every Day Salad Dressing
A little bit of Ayurveda every day can help you heal your body, skyrocket your energy, and gain an invaluable understanding of your body,...
Every Day Spice Mix
When I first learned Ayurveda in 2001, I remember rejoicing over how easy and delicious it felt to apply Ayurveda’s principles to my food...
Miso Ginger Sesame Sauce
This dressing tastes delicious over salad greens, dark leafy greens, steamed vegetables, and as a dipping sauce for spring rolls or sushi....
Portobello Mushroom Burger
With a bun or without a bun… that is the question! You need digestive enzymes to break down animal protein and starchy carbs in your...
Sleepytime Moon Milk
Looking for a natural way to settle down your day and move into dreamland? This drink’s got you covered. Infused with sleep-inducing amino...