5 Life-Changing Days to Detox Your Body

Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp!

Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp

My brand-new Bootcamp starts September 23rd. I’m SO excited to share the life-changing tools that have transformed MY health over the past 18 years. But first, quick story!

Back in my twenties, I thought I ate really well.  My co-workers would gather around me at lunch time and observe with great interest…“What’s Talya eating now?!”

They’d watch me mix dried hummus powder with water and scoop it up with raw carrot sticks, broccoli tops, and cold flour tortillas. They thought I was eating healthy. So did I.

Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp!

You see, I didn’t know at the time that what I was eating was the exact opposite of what my body needed.

But, I tell you, that became crystal clear a few years later when I broke out in psoriasis all over my body while battling depression, anxiety, hormone imbalance, and relentless heaviness.

Psoriasis (an auto-immune disorder) forced me to seek help and a different way of relating to my body.

I was lucky to discover Ayurveda when I did – because it helped me understand what MY unique body needs to THRIVE.

And, it helped me understand why I was suffering – despite my “healthy diet.”

In the years since my discovery, I’ve become a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic chef, author, yoga teacher, and advocate for people’s awesomeness (including my own).

I created The Detox Your Body With Ayurveda Bootcamp to help you heal your body, skyrocket your energy, and understand yourself through the natural, self-empowering framework of Ayurveda – India’s holistic health-care system and yoga’s sister science.

Do you wonder if YOUR current diet meets YOUR body’s needs?

Do you ever feel out of control around your health, your weight, or your relationship with food?

Does your body ever feel out of whack?

You may have no idea what you should eat or do to feel better.

Or, you might know exactly what you could do but have no motivation to actually do it.

Have you tried a bunch of health solutions that haven’t worked?

I can help.

I’m on a mission to help you feel BETTER. With my Detox Your Body With Ayurveda Bootcamp, I can help you make that happen in just 5 days!

I’ll help you align your food, nutrition, and self-care with the elemental energy YOUR body needs to experience radiance, vitality, and balance!

Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp

Join The Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp!

What I’ve created is a unique approach to detoxing your body – so that you can lose weight and keep it off, have more energy, and even increase your confidence because you feel so good.

This way of approaching detox is one that took me years to master. And it’s one that will bring you awesome results, I promise.

See the thing is, when most people talk about detoxing, they don’t go into enough detail about how to apply it to YOUR specific constitution. They barely scratch the surface. Or, they present it in a way that’s “one size fits all.” This is NOT what I do!

I’ll teach you the Ayurvedic tools and practices that I used to turn around a 17-year-old auto-immune disorder.

I’ve helped thousands of people who’ve felt exhausted, wracked with hormone imbalance, mysterious weight gain, digestive issues, anxiety, allergies… you name it.

Because when they learn Ayurveda and how to APPLY it to their lives – they start living a new way and their vitality returns.

Plus, I’m sharing how I used Ayurveda to recover from adrenal fatigue, recover my radiance, master my digestive health, lose stubborn weight, age gracefully, and have tons of energy for what matters most… appreciating life!

Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp

What will you learn?

Here’s a small sample of the huge goodness I have in store for you with this FREE event! You’ll taste:

  • The five fundamental pillars of Ayurveda that everyone seeking balance should know and live by. So you can reduce accumulation and inflammation that’s been (likely) building up for years.
  • How to balance your body using diet and lifestyle practices that have been used by Ayurvedic practitioners for centuries. So that you can transform your body and your life.
  • My top key strategies for boosting your metabolism and jump-starting weight loss the Ayurvedic way.
  • The 5-minute, morning hydration ritual that will help you look and feel younger, and prepare you for a detox that supports your immunity, longevity, and vitality.
  • And so much more.

Here’s a quick video with more about the Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp:


By the way, do you know that Ayurveda is NOT meant to be practiced alone? You need support and, with science as vast as Ayurveda, you need a guide.

Did you know you’re four times more likely to achieve your goals when you’re part of a community – aiming for the same?

Detox Your Body With Ayurveda Bootcamp

My Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp will open up all kinds of exciting possibilities and shifts for you. And, you’ll feel fabulous for taking part! Check it out here!

Ayurveda helps you understand that your body has its own unique constitution – and a specific set of guidelines for what foods and self-care will help you heal, recover, and feel happy again.

Wouldn’t you LOVE to skyrocket your energy and get rid of stubborn inflammation?

Wouldn’t it be life-changing to ditch the heaviness and feel as light and fabulous as possible?

Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp will give you an entirely new way of approaching your health. In a way that will 10X your wellness goals in half the time. I’m telling you… this Bootcamp is GOLD!

5-Day Bootcamp detox your body with Ayurveda

Do you want to learn concrete steps you can take in as little as 5 days to start transforming your body and your life?

Join my Detox Your Body With Ayurveda 5-Day Bootcamp!  We start on September 23, 2019. Click HERE.

I discovered how to turn my health around and you can, too.

See you there!


Did you know? Experience Talya’s yoga and cooking classes for FREE on Grokker!

Talya’s a featured expert on Grokker – where you can practice yoga, take cooking classes, and workout with incredible teachers. Grab your free 2-week trial to Grokker today.

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