Your All-in-One Ayurvedic Breakfast Guide

Your Ultimate All-in-One Ayurvedic Breakfast Guide for All 3 Doshas


The Best Ayurvedic Breakfast Recommendations You Have been Looking for [All 3 Doshas included]

Talya, what should I be eating?

This is something my clients ask me a lot!

In this blog post, I address what you should be eating for breakfast. I want to help you get an idea of what type of breakfast will work best for you, based on Ayurvedic principles. If you are not familiar with Ayurvedic terms, you can check out my Ayurvedic Glossary.

Let’s talk about Ayurvedic Breakfast!

Ayurvedic Breakfast for Vata

Ayurvedic breakfast

Vata is the body type (or dosha) that tends to be cold, light, dry and anxious. When Vata energy runs high, you’ll have dry skin, cracking joints, constipation, indecision, scattered energy and/or cold hands and feet.

Vata does best with warm, wet, unctuous, well-spiced and hydrating foods. Foods that grow below the earth, such as root vegetables, are perfect for Vata because they provide a grounding quality not only to the body, but also to the mind. Vata thrives when breakfast includes plenty of lubricating fat and stabilizing protein.

Here are a few breakfast ideas for Vata:

  • Cardamom and ginger-spiced oatmeal with raw almond butter, warm milk, ghee and reconstituted prunes. I recommend stirring in a tablespoon of protein powder and/or collagen powder
  • Baked sweet potatoe topped with sesame oil, sprouted flax seeds, sprouted chia seeds, cumin, sumac, and salt. Who says you can’t have sweet potatoes for breakfast?
  • Ginger and turmeric-spiced eggs over easy with a plate of steamed spinach, sautéed onions, olive oil and cumin seed… yum!
  • Bacon or sausage with an enormous pile of steamed dark leafy greens and a whole bunch of cumin and turmeric. Yes, please!


Ayurvedic Breakfast for Pitta

Your Ultimate All-in-One Ayurvedic Breakfast Guide for All 3 Doshas

Pitta is the body type (or dosha) that tends to be hot, sweaty, oily and frustrated. When Pitta energy is high, you’ll have oily skin, headaches, loose stool, irritation, skin rashes, inflammation and pain.

Pitta thrives on cool, clean, juicy, high-fiber, mildly spiced foods. Foods that are high in protein but low in fat, such as millet, green algae, fish, sea vegetables and lentils, are great for Pitta because they fuel the body without clogging the liver. Pitta also thrives when breakfast includes cool fats and clean protein.

Here are a few breakfast ideas for Pitta:

  • Soft-boiled eggs with sprouted grain toast, coconut oil, coriander and a giant plate of steamed dandelion greens – topped with good quality olive oil or hemp seed oil
  • Steamed red potatoes with olive oil, feta cheese, rosemary, dill, fennel seed and sprouted pumpkin seeds
  • Steamed zucchini noodles tossed with hard boiled eggs, shredded kale, cabbage and homemade high-protein pesto
  • Turmeric-spiced eggs over easy with a plate of shredded lettuce, steamed collard greens, fish oil, and sprouts… yum!


Ayurvedic Breakfast for Kapha

Kapha is the body type (or dosha) that tends to be cool, heavy, slow and congested. When Kapha energy is thick, you’ll have clammy skin, edema, water retention, slow metabolism, lethargy and/or poor circulation.

Kapha feels best with warm, light, high fiber, well-spiced foods. Foods and herbs that grow above the ground, such as bok choy, cabbage, spicy sprouts, lentils and asparagus, are wonderful for Kapha because they provide an uplifting quality to the mind and body. A vegetable-rich diet, particularly vegetables that possess a pungent, bitter or astringent flare, should be eaten in abundance.

Kapha may be tempted to skip breakfast – but morning is an essential time to balance blood sugar. So to help with this, eat light, early dinners. That will help you rev up your metabolism, feel lighter and want to feed your body in the morning.

Here are a few breakfast ideas for Kapha:

  • Spiced red lentil dhal with sprouts, olive oil and a dollop of raw sauerkraut. It’s so good.
  • Ginger-adzuki bean stew with spices and flaxseed oil – served over a bed of lettuce or dark leafy greens
  • Ginger and cinnamon-spiced baked apples or pears with sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, raw tahini and cardamom… Delicious!
  • Dark leafy greens cooked with turmeric and ginger, top with lemon, black pepper, and apple cider vinegar, a smattering of sprouted seeds and serve with a cup of leek and onion-laden breakfast broth.

I hope these ideas inspire you and help you come up with Ayurvedic breakfasts that are perfect for you!

If you love this topic and you’d like to become an expert on what you should be eating to best nourish your body type, there’s no better way to do that than to join me for my RAD Cleanse!

The RAD (Radiance Ayurveda Detox) Cleanse: a 30-Day Purification Plan to Reset Your Radiance.

Click this link to learn more and check it out!

P.S. I share a lot of useful information in my blog to help you – my reader – have a healthier and happier life. For example, check out this blog post that can help you mend a broken heart: 3 Proven Ayurvedic Remedies for Difficult Times.


*Photo credits: <a href=’’>Designed by Freepik</a>

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